
Anal Fissure: Treatment, Symptoms, Causes and Healing

Anal fissures are an ailment that can be extremely disturbing for the patient as the pain and discomfort impact their day-to-day lives. An ailing individual loses out on his daily productivity along with the simple pleasures of life. This is why it is essential to recognize such problems early on and seek treatment on an immediate basis. In order to help everyone understand this a little better, mentioned below are details regarding what exactly is an anal fissure and ways to deal with such a medical condition.

What is Anal Fissure?

An anal fissure is any kind of linear tear that takes place in the skin of the anus area which is known as an anoderm. Also referred to as parikartika, this medical condition is known for causing a considerable amount of discomfort and even bleeding during any kind of bowel movement. This condition is not age specific hence an individual belonging to any age group might face such discomfort. The seriousness of this ailment is determined on the basis of how long they last; that is whether they are acute or chronic. If a fissure fails to heal for over eight weeks, then it comes under the chronic condition. In case of any other fatal disease that the patient ailing with anal fissures already has, it can result in further complications and make the condition life-threatening in that case. Apart from this condition, anal fissures can be treated and cause no long-term harm. For immaculate fissure treatment in Bhuj, expert doctors are available to guide you through the same.

How are Anal Fissures treated?

Depending on the intensity of the anal fissures, there are numerous treatments that are offered to ailing individuals. The fissure treatment in Bhuj provides all these varied approaches as the doctors there are well-acquainted with every kind of treatment option. These include procedures such as the cauterization of papillae, fissurectomy, sphincterotomy (in the open and closed manner), and the excision of sentinel tag. 

Along with these various medical procedures, doctors having expertise in this field prescribe medications that work internally in the system too. These medicines are antibacterial in a natural fashion hence they are not only effective but also safe. In combination with this, expert doctors prescribe medication to patients that help them regulate the frequency as well as the consistency of stools. Such medicines also help regulate the process of healing of tissues. There are also ayurvedic surgeries practiced to remove these infections.

What are the causes of Anal Fissures?

There is not one definite cause which leads to the condition of anal fissures. The list of causes is quite long and any of these reasons could result in such a health complication. Yet it is always better to be aware of such causes in order to be careful regarding one’s health in the near future. Taking this into consideration, we have listed below the proven causes of anal fissures.

  • Chronic constipation which results in straining to have bowel movement
  • Diarrhea for a prolonged period
  • Indulging in anal sex
  • Childbirth strains
  • Pressure in the abdomen
  • Poor bowel habits for a long time
  • Lack of blood flow to the anorectal area
  • Unhealthy diet habits
  • Excess consumption of alcohol and smoking
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Abnormally tight anal sphincter muscles
  • Medical ailments such as tuberculosis, leukemia, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, HIV, anal cancer, etc.

Tips and tricks to heal Anal Fissures

As anal fissures require an individual to detoxify his body in order to clean any impurities that are present within the system, lifestyle changes can help significantly to accelerate the healing process of this medical condition. First things first, it is important to include food items as well as supplements in one’s diet that are potent antioxidants. This will enable the body to clear out infectious content and find ways to flush it out. 

It is a common misconception that foods containing fats and oil must be avoided during anal fissures. Contrary to popular beliefs, such foods must be incorporated in one’s diet as they act as good lubricants that help your digestive system to function smoothly. Having said that, consume them in moderation.

Moderation is the key for a healthier self hence it is important to lose that extra weight as well. However tempted you might be, do not scratch the anal area at all. A sitz bath will prove to be helpful in healing the fissure. Before any bowel movement, don’t forget to lubricate the anal canal with petroleum jelly.


Anal fissures can prove to be a major hindrance while carrying on with your everyday life thus it is necessary to diagnose this medical issue on time and get it treated by experts in the field. Ayurveda is a great option for the same as it includes surgical procedures along with oral medication that will help clean up the system from within. The best part about this field of medicine is that it has absolutely zero side effects.

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